Tag: Bill Atlee

Press Releases
iPipeline® Provides Advisors Excel with Unified Path Toward Accessing Core Data Analytics in Financial Services
In partnership with Snowflake, turnkey solutions provider enables Advisors Excel to combine disparate data systems, automate workflows, and create practice efficiencies to position advisors for unlimited growth.
BGAs: Jump-Start Your Lead Gen in the New Year
Watch two industry veterans – Bill Atlee, iPipeline’s Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, and Peri Lane, Owner & Founder of Apis Productions, as they dive into a consumer-based quote engine approach that leverages website activity to generate and capture new leads.
Robots Take Over Illustrations- Humans in Awe!
The newly enhanced iSolve® is a game changer: create a digital, end-to-end experience that avoids traditional illustration complications. Simply put: it's the fastest illustration tool an agent will ever use.
Robots Take Over Illustrations- Humans In Awe!
Isn’t it time that illustrations experience an innovative breakthrough? Join Bill Atlee, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, as he walks you through our newly enhanced version of iSolve!
Resonant | Shorten Your Underwriting “Long Poles”. From Submission to Decision.
If the average carrier could shave 5 days off its’ cycle time, they could significantly increase their placement ratio, resulting in millions of additional premium dollars. Are you minimizing your "Hour of Sour"?
5 Days Cost Carriers Millions of Dollars.
We found a precise day where industry placement ratio significantly dropped... and deemed the 5 day window afterwards to be the "hour of sour". Read on to find out more!