Customer Interview: SFBLI

CTO Charlie Allen discusses the unexpected advantages of integrating AlphaTrust e-Sign
Case Studies

Customer Interview


AlphaTrust® – An Interview with Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance

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Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance was founded in 1946 to provide Farm Bureau members with competitive life insurance policies and the service needed for those policies. Today, they have grown in strength and stability servicing Farm Bureau families across eleven states and receiving an A+ (Superior) rating from AM Best.

Customer Contact: Charlie Allen, VP, CTO

The Challenge

Describe your document signature process at the start of your e-Signature evaluation process?
Prior to implementing AlphaTrust, our agent base used paper and captured signatures manually.

What drove you to evaluate tools in the market? Did you have any specific challenges around your signature process?
Southern Farm Bureau was determined to make things simpler and easier for our customers and we knew that meant offering an e-Signature option.

What led you to choose AlphaTrust?
Southern Farm Bureau and iPipeline had an existing relationship prior to the discovery phases of the e-Signature implementation. We had several conversations with another leading e-Signature provider about their price increases and failed to come to an agreement on a fair price.

At a high level, how did AlphaTrust help solve your specific challenges once implemented?
The speed of delivery offered by AlphaTrust really helps Southern Farm Bureau get closer to achieving full Straight Through Processing.

The Solution

What features do you like best about AlphaTrust?
AlphaTrust’s developer API allows for integration and customization directly into our application. This enables users to stay in the Southern Farm Bureau application without ever being redirected to a third-party tool for e-Signature. We appreciate the consistent user expe-rience.

Is anyone using AlphaTrust in a way that you hadn’t predicted?
We originally thought e-Signture would only be leveraged through email, but we’ve found a lot of users implementing it in their face-to-face meetings as well.

The Results

Was there an “a-ha moment” when you knew AlphaTrust was doing what you had planned for it?
The first moment we realized the benefits of our AlphaTust implementation was when we turned on Listener. Listener is a web API feature that allows AlphaTrust to send a notification when the document has been signed by all parties. Because of Listener, we’re able to receive automatic notification when the document has been signed and we no longer manually check the status of all of our documents.Another of these moments was when we saw first hand how easily the API integrated into our environment. The seamless integration has been a huge benefit.

What data do you look at that proves the value of AlphaTrust to your business?
The time savings achieved through AlphaTrust have proven to be a great value. AlphaTrust has accelerated our straight-through processing by eliminating signature delays and streamlining policy servicing—a win-win for us and our customers.


What best practice(s) would you recommend for new implementers of AlphaTrust?
If you plan to utilize the API, it is important to meet with iPipeline and gain a thorough understanding of the API documentation.

What is the biggest reason that you would recommend AlphaTrust to a carrier?
The price is right – many competitors are priced higher with no added benefits. AlphaTrust also provides a fully white labeled solution that puts your brand in the spotlight, unlike many other e-Signature providers who keep their own logo front and center. Additionally, you have the option to host AlphaTrust on-premise or through iPipeline. Lastly, the API integration is a great selling point. Your customers receive a secure feeling when they’re able to sign a document directly from your website or portal, without having to navigate out to a third-party website for signature.

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